Dolcezza Della Vita

By Dolcezza

Shake it!

Up early this morning...felt like dancing! Put on my belly dancing hip scarf and went at it - learned a lot in my class this week, the instructor was really good. Working the figure 8's...hip circles. They really do feel good - just stretches you out all along the sides.

I really am enjoying this new style of's nothing I've done before...and as I said before, it definitely puts the curves to use ;) Mostly it's just a lot of fun! I've always enjoyed dancing - any form of it.

Busy day today...leaving town for a week, need to pack! Starting slowly w/a movie this to see the new Terminator was actually filmed right in my town! !

I truly live in a place where the sunsets are just so magical...every night the sky puts on a show...I feel a project coming on...


A year ago...I must have been in town...blooming cactus flowers...

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