Pictorial blethers

By blethers


Another dreich day, another collage of indoorsness - outside was too grey and limited to inflict yet another photograph of drizzle on Blip. At least I didn't stay inside looking out at it, instead going to Pilates in the morning and for a damp walk in the vicinity of Toward lighthouse in the afternoon, though the Pilates almost laid me out (two 30-second elbow planks may have had something to do with this, though my balance was everywhere this morning) and the latter part of the morning saw me sprawled in a chair with coffee and Duolingo ...

It was conversation during the Pilates class that prompted the photos in the collage: our teacher wanted to know if anyone had a special pancake recipe and although I knew that what I was making for lunch (because I'd run out of bread and hadn't had time to make any) wasn't what she had in mind, I shared it on the class chat group. I'd been reviving my sourdough starter and it was bubbling invitingly on the worktop when I took half a dozen wee ladles of it to make a couple of flatbreads, topped with grated cheese as a last-minute addition. They were utterly delicious; the neglect of my starter seems to have made it more lemony-tasting than ever. 

Apart from these things, I've begun work on this Sunday's sermon. The readings include the story of Eve and Adam and the apple followed by the story of Christ's temptation in the wilderness, so I've been thinking about temptation (as well as the dire effect on the lives of women through the ages of that patriarchal nonsense about how it was all the woman's fault). And it struck me, as I was hanging up the cuddly, fleecy dressing-gown that I got for Christmas and which I had dumped on the bed when I was fighting my way into my leggings (black with big orange flame-like patches) that it was a terrible temptation just to put it on again and maybe even climb back into bed with my book ... to sleep ... perchance to dream? Often these days I look at my bed and find I'm looking forward to getting back into it, even though now, when I ought to be, I'm still here at my computer.

Oh, such mundane temptations. But just as real as the need to encompass all knowledge, that's for sure. No serpents required...

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