By lizzie_birkett

Thank You…

…very much for all the wonderful comments, stars and hearts for my Blipversary! I didn’t even know till I saw the first messages come up :-)
What a lovely bunch you are and isn’t Blipfoto the most bestest community ever in the whole wide world!

We had to go shopping today as we were running out of provisions.
I went into Skipton on the 9am bus and Frank came in at 11ish as a friend was coming to practice some songs for the music session on Friday night.
We also had to sort out our bank cards for going to Spain next month. We came out of the bank and just started walking away when the nice young lass came running after us with my shopping bag. Next was Tescos where I took another mans shopping trolley to the end of the aisle and he also came running after me! I thought it was odd that there was one of those scanners on the trolleys which wasn’t there before. 
I also left my gloves somewhere, but I’m not too bothered as they were a bit tight.
What am I like!!!?
Now we’re back home and I need a rest so I’ll read my book and maybe I’ll nod off.
Later I need to tidy and sort out all my art stuff which is taking up all the dining table and my sofa. I’m messy when I get creative but I really don’t like mess.

Left over beany cottage pie for tea which I am looking forward to.

Thanks again everybody!

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