Back To The Club

New week, one we are looking forward to as Mrs S is taking some well earned holiday, some much looked forward to time together.
We enjoyed breakfast chatting about nothing before we headed off to Camborne in order for Mrs S to attend a funeral, not the best start to the week together but necessary.
The inevitable call into the supermarket for baking potatoes before heading to the Heartlands Site so I could get a photograph of the mine head gear and pumping house for todays Blip.
Home, a walk for Paddy, our normal route before home and a baked potato dinner with Mrs S. Then it was out for me - yes you’ve guessed it - another two and a half hours at the rugby club. This time for an EGM, basically death by PowerPoint as the club set out a long overdue plan for the way ahead.
It will still be the same people, with a few additions, doing the bulk of the volunteering.
I was surprised though on the show of hands of those attending the 150 Gala Dinner, less than half the audience, a lot less. The blank look on some of the faces of the younger members when the guest speaker was named was to be expected, he retired around thirty years ago. It was also a little disingenuous to say that “only a club like Falmouth could attract a speaker of such calibre”, the club is paying him to attend and paying him well.

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