Large And Tiny
Yesterday I blipped about the meeting today regarding the new mobility aid, the moped, for me to replace the very old one. In the picture you possibly can see the problem and my big worry. I suppose you can see which one is suitable for me... This is the one and only option. Still I have to take it, not leave, for I can walk few meters at a time.
Many changes have to be done for me only to CLIMB high up on it. Putting also some humour here I can say that "they call this an aid";) In this meeting I also heard that my current moped, the blue one, is very unique. It's a shortened version of the basic model, and they once were produced only few.
I have told the moped producing problem more specifically earlier, Jan 10th.
Anyway, I wish you all nice Tuesday evening!
Because it happens to be Tiny Tuesday, I tag the blip for it.
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