Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Left behind


I didn't go out at all today, so was glad for this little Christmas decoration that somehow got separated from the rest. The boxes have been put into the cupboard, so I've got to find a safe place for it. I love its simplicity! It came in a Christmas cracker.

G didn't go into school either, so the recycling is still in the kitchen, and the car needs petrol. I am so thrilled to get my desk tidied. And I lined up the five videos I'd like to make next for my channel. The last one was over a hundred days ago. Yikes!

Oh, the biggest news of the day has to be ordering and paying for the turbo charger that we need to finish this round of repairs on the car. Within hours, I received a message to say it was on its way to the Shop and Ship Depot. Amazing!

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