The next day...

By Spiderboy


We have found the last few days a bit tedious.
We don't have much to do.
The things we want to do (walking gardening going out for meals and pootling around) are a bit difficult and tiring. Richard is still struggling with the lasting effects of his chest infection....and I am ... well...just struggling !!!
Yesterday and today we have managed 40 minute stints in the garden and then have to recover in front of the TV.
You can get a bit done in 40 minutes but it's only really 30 minutes as you have to tidy and put everything away.
Anyway to relieve the boredom we do something "domestic" each was shopping as we wanted pancake ingredients.
These "lovely" blingy French bulldog ornaments were for sale.... lined up in a row.....WHY....would anyone want them????

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