Not as scary as the real thing!

A bit of a bear theme in my journals today. The one in my other journal was taken on a quick walk around town. This one is beside the parking lot of Embe Bakery, and I've wanted to take a photo of it for quite awhile. It reminds me of a story about our brother-in-law. G's father was a serious hunter, worked with the local game wardens where they lived in the East Kootenays. Their home had quite a few stuffed animals and birds on display, not things that appealed to me. Many years ago, he shot a grizzly bear and had it stuffed and mounted by a taxidermist in a pose much like this one. When G's dad and mum moved to the lower mainland, the bear was shipped there too. One day, it was moved into G's sister and brother-in-law's garage. Our brother-in-law came home from work that day, opened the garage, and almost collapsed from fright! No wonder! He had no idea that it was in there. We have no idea where the bear is now.
We've hiked in grizzly and other bear territory, always have to be on the lookout, especially if there are cubs. G has a few good grizzly stories too!

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