Learning day by day

By EmmaF


Had a job interview today. Got the job! Hurrah! TA's post at the kids school. 6-10 hours dependant on timetabling and W's childcare needs. Hadn't intended to return to work until W was through reception, but this opportunity was too good to bypass. I knew they had kids who could benefit from my skills and was luck enough that the head thought so to and has hours in the budget. A foot in the door which may or may not lead to more work once W starts school. Happy girl tonight!

C was at a friends for tea, so I gave W the choice of going to the library or cooking when we got home. As you can see he wanted to cook. We made chocolate crispy cakes for the child with various allergies who is coming to C's party tomorrow and the rest were for the pre-school cake sale tomorrow! Needless to say he needed to wash his hands more often than most.

Red nose! I have no idea, he asked for one at pre-school apparently, so they gave him one, but he couldn't explain why he wanted one to them or me!

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