Today is the beginning of LENT, the lead up to Easter.which means something different to everyone, - - - Eastet Eggs, Easter Bunnies, Presents ( all chocolate of course). But for me it means The Risen Christ. Lent is the journey up to the Crucifixion of Jesus who rose again on Easter morning to save us all.
But what a mess are we making of the world at the moment, destroying the planet by various means wars/ destroying each other by indulging in knife/ gun and drug crime. So now is the time to really make a change by reflection to CLEAN UP the PLANET by changing our ways , mainly by caring for each other/ the planet and doing our best to look after the world as a whole. The rubbish disposed of in the correct place , and not anywhere the selfish feel like eg verges/ pavements & the road.
LENT therefore is a time for REFLECTION, RESTRAINT & RENEW ourselves.
Still chilly dull day here but do hope you can all enjoy it.
I must say thank you for the help that has been shown to me today, by the church family , shop assistsnts & shopper's ( helping to reach items from shelves .( I managed to get a scooter today, hurrah , but still need that little help with some items. So quite enjoyable to shop today.

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