
Thanks for all your supporting comments yesterday.  Blip is a wonderful community to be part of. 

As its half term the wildlings had a relaxed morning.  I did a few domestic chores around the house . 

We are not long back from the dental hospital.  The appointment nearly went wrong as the jedi fell and gave his head a huge bump in the waiting room. And he wanted to go home. But just look at the delight on his face when he walked into the room and saw another dentist blippi.  He was amazed. 

I am beyond thankful for this that a complete stranger can accommodate my wildling and his autism ( and his granny struggles ). The dentist was amazing.  He told me he looked up who blippi was and tried to do his voice and get into character.  I don't think people really truly understand that I'm more than just thankful and that something like this makes my heart burst with so many emotions.  

Carson did so well , but the next step will be to have a general anesthetic.  He still has a huge abscess and the tooth needs to be pulled. The dentist says it's definitely from chewing on stones and not from sugar. 

The bigger wildlings ended up staying with grandad in the end as they're both not going to Glasgow until tomorrow.  So nana gave us a lift up and sat and waited. I am so lucky to have supporting friends and in-laws. 

Today was a success.  

And for those that asked about football the difference between a Monday night being outside and a Saturday morning inside is like night and day. Xander loved it and did amazing.  

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