My Restless Lens

By terri365


Just after 10am this morning my internet clicked off. Happens often but usually reconnects in a few minutes. Not today. Web chat with Vodafone concluded there was an issue. No s*** Sherlock! They have said I should be reconnected within 48 hours…

Neither my PC nor laptop will connect to my iPhone hotspot… sigh… I Googled that on my phone and I keep getting “wireless network adapter issue” and I should update the driver. Can’t do that until I am reconnected. So I’m stuck - unless any of you lovely lot know how I can connect?

AutoCAD needs an internet connection to run properly. At the moment it’s like working on an ancient computer - it’s sooooooo sloooooooow…

And SketchUp needs to connect to the internet to sign in…

Thankfully I had a meeting in Dunfermline this afternoon (rearranged after last week’s car breakdown!) but I’m in the office all day tomorrow so I hope it is fixed quickly!

This was the only photo I took today as I knew I couldn’t upload from my computer! Doh!

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