It’s the future

I was invited for a tour around Edinburgh Futures Institute. Better known to me and most others as the old Edinburgh Royal. The place where Ruby was born. By the time the twins came along a few years later the hospital had relocated to Little France and the developers had moved in.

Thirteen years later, the developers walked away. They knew when they were beaten. So, Edinburgh University was encouraged by the local council to take it on. Given the fact it had been empty for so long the interior was a real state but what a great job they’ve done restoring it for students and businesses (and the Fringe and the Book Festival). No photos allowed on the tour so here’s the exterior. They’re hoping to finally be open again by the autumn.

Home to catch up with Mrs S who had done the first of the TV pitches with her production team. It sounds like they’ve got off to a flyer. More next week in London. Exciting times!

Very tired now. A quiet Friday night beckons.

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