
Clive went up on the hill with Hetty but it was so bitterly cold this morning that I couldn't bear the thought so they went without me.

I know that I am beginning to sound a bit of a bore but I went into the cutting to check the trail camera. I had a look on the screen and decided there wasn't enough footage to warrant me bringing the card up into the house to check it on a bigger screen. Instead, I have repositioned it near an area that has given good results.

Whilst there, I photographed the ducks that seem to have taken up residence in one of the lakes. 

I wrapped up and walked into town and soon realised I was wearing far too much.

On the way home, I met one of my old friends with her grandson. She has him 2 days a week and says he's exhausting. I think I am still some years away from grandchildren if at all!

Clive has gone into town for Friday night drinks and I have decided to stay put and carrying on working on a blanket that is nearing completion.


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