
A busy but happy day today.

Our eldest son came up from Winchester after work this evening, joining his partner, who had arrived yesterday because she had a work meeting to attend locally to us today.  She returned here first this evening, then our eldest arrived after a long detour around a closed section of the M25. The minute he and our youngest son ("The Traveller") got together, the banter and laughter started immediately, which transported us back many years to when all three of our sons were living at home. 

After a really enjoyable supper Smithers and I found ourselves clearing up a huge amount more mess in the kitchen than we’re used to, because we eat much less and more simply these days. Nevertheless we discovered we haven’t lost our teamwork skills and order was very quickly restored, just like old times. 

I am learning to relax and breathe deeply when I feel overwhelmed, and this book I’m reading has helped a lot with that.

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