In with a chance - NOW.

I hear Jerra & Clicky have bought a yellow Hellebore; so had Alice and I, what seems like forever ago.

The border it was in, if memory serves, is this one, which was mightily overshadowed slowly, by next door's evergreens.  You can see, here, how much they'd encroached past the "Property Line".  You can see where the wall is, and "arrowed" how far over this line it had reached when we started to attack it.

There is the Ghost of a Hellebore in the Thumbnail.  Let's see how it does now it'll get some light and water on it.

I just had a comical, stirring, thought:-
Do you suppose "them-over-there" call it an "Ellebore" in keeping with their "Erbs" and "Erb" gardens?
(;¬ O )

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