
I got up early and went kayaking. I was very tired as I'd gone to bed so late last night. I decided not to stay on the river for too long. I tried a 'raven' kayak but found it far too wobbly so decided not to give it a go.
I got home at 11am and found my son in his bedroom revising. The girls came back from their sleepovers. They had lunch and then hubby dropped them off at kayaking. They had quite a short session today and daughter #1 was off the river at 2.30.
I dropped them off at home and then went to my friend's house to dye her hair.
At 5.30pm, I went to Richmond with hubby and the girls. We went to Nando's for a bite to eat and the went to the cinema to see the new Star Trek film. I didn't think it was as good as the first one. We went to see it in Richmond because my son had made plans to go and see it with his friends in Kingston and he didn't want us to go and see the same show. Interestingly, the ticket prices in Richmond are more expensive than Kingston.
He arrived home around 10pm with very little change. I had bought tickets online for him and his four mates and he had collected the money from them at the cinema. After the film, they'd all gone out for a meal and my son spent most of the money he'd collected on food !

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