An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Trio of trees...and hills

Unusually Lola was barking to get out at 6.30am so D went down to let her out then she followed him back upstairs (well he let her!) and in a blink she was snuggled between us, cooried* into my back.  That's a first!  We've been quite strict about her not getting upstairs or on our bed.  D was just about to get up so I think thought it would be ok for 15 mins but I hope she's not expecting to do that every morning although I rather liked it :-)))

I reset my alarm for 8am but must have turned it off because next thing I knew it was 10.30am and D and Lola were long gone!

So glad I woke up when I did (although D did message me from Lola's walk to make sure I was awake) as we had a garden designer coming round at 11.30am to go over the garden with us and discuss what low maintenance plants (neither D nor I possess a green finger between us) could be planted to fill in the gaps from the clear out of old and past-it shrubs we had last year.  We had an interesting discussion and we really like her thoughts and ideas.  

She is going to send us a questionnaire on our garden likes and dislikes and once completed, she will use the information from that and our discussions today to come up with a plan.  Looking forward to seeing that. Then of course there will be her quote.  Not looking forward to that quite so much.

After lunch I went back to the studio to complete the third painting for the small guest bedroom.  They're not big (the frames they will go in are 12" x 8") but will fill the wall gap perfectly.  I hope :-)

The afternoon passed really quickly as it always does when I'm painting.  probably the last chance I'll have to paint for the next week.  My fingers will be itching by then!

Worked a little more on my new crochet project but I've decided it's the wrong colour yarn for what I'm making.  Too dark.  Fortunately I have a large stash of yarn so will have a rake and feel certain I will come up with more suitable colours.

Heard Alan laughing this evening, a really hearty laugh that left him breathless.  The kind of laugh that had me laughing too even though I had no idea what I (or he) was laughing at!  I went to investigate and found him watching the film Madagascar.  I've never seen it but if that's his reaction I  feel I must watch it soon!  lol

The little owl that lives nearby (I've never seen it, only heard it) is hooting away so it must be time for bed.  Will try my best to get to journals tomorrow.

*Cooried - Scots word for snuggled

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