
By Houseonahill6

Sunrise through the window

Thursday Day 2 post op
Another good nights sleep, yippee. A great sunrise seen from the downstairs window.
Mike went over to David’s to help him move some old furniture , the Council are collecting it tomorrow..
Spoke to my Mum and managed not to cry. I was thinking of holding back telling her till we go down (hopefully) the end of March but thought she should know and better to let her know after the op was out of the way. ( she’s probably reading this lol )
Mike got back after lunch. He managed to get me another pair of cotton, button up pj’s :)
Had a lovely hot shower and felt much better afterwards. Had not realised I had one of the white electrode sticker things still attached lol.
Richard was going to come over but his car was still being seen to so he’s coming tomorrow :)
Started watching the new season of Outer Banks .

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