Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

The Eagle really has landed!

I was watching eagles swirling around above this block of flats, and kept losing sight of them. I managed to track one eventually and realised that they were landing on this tree. It was around 100m away so a bit of a challenge for my phone. There are at least seven eagles on this tree including the one coming in to land. Apologies blip photographers for the quality, but really, seven eagles! They make such a pitiful mewling sound as they circle over head, doesn't match their grandeur of appearance at all!
i had a fairly quiet day today after another good night's sleep. I popped out to the local shops in a taxi to visit FabIndia, one of my favourite ships, it now has stores across India and is an upmarket fashion and household store with an ethnic Indian focus. It's very expensive now though, I browsed! Do have a Google, there is even a store in London now I believe.
Extra, I spotted the decorated ox/cow on the way to the shops, it's standing outside one of the local Hindu temples. We later came across it again being walked around the neighbourhood.
I went for a walk around the lake again at around 4pm which is where I took the rest of the collage shots. The cormorants were in the same place as yesterday looking impressive and flapping their throat sacks. No apologies for another bee eater, they are so beautiful. I do wish I had my camera, but it doesn't upload though so not really any use when I'm away from home. There are two pictures of green parrots, one with a bonus crow. They are one of the noisiest birds in the area.
The one thing I have not put a picture of, and which is almost, no, it definitely is, beyond my tolerance level is the two inch long cockroach I just found in my bathroom. He ignored my stomping too! The light is staying on in there all night and I shall be wearing shoes when I go in there. It's the first one I've seen since I've been in India, I've been counting my lucky stars too soon clearly.
Back to Tirunelveli tomorrow on the 1.15pm flight so leaving here at around 9.30 am. The 35 km takes the best part of an hour and a half to two hours. Hopefully it may be quieter on a Sunday morning though.

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