The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline


There is this little cat, Barney that has taken to following Casper around over the past few months. He sits right outside by the catflap waiting for him every morning and sometimes we find him waiting just by the front door.

Casper isn't always quite as interested in Barney but it is very cute to watch them interact. They seem to "fight" although I think it is play fighting as neither of them actually have claws out, there is no hissing and mostly they look like they are enjoying it.

Mostly Casper bops Barney but in this shot while Casper isn't looking Barney attempted a full on attack.

We have been considering getting another cat when we move to the new house and as Casper doesn't seem to mind Barney being around - we think - then maybe it is a possibility.

Barney is a cutie but I think he is going to be missing Casper once we move on Friday!

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