Bee and Bono.

It was Sue’s birthday this week and so we decided we would do something today. I said I would organise. I looked at various things….and I decided on walking with alpacas. I didn’t tell her what we were doing, only that she had to wear walking boots and warm clothes. She did asked me if she needed a swimming costume and was very relieved when I said no.

I drove us to Ormskirk. The alpacas were gorgeous and their fleeces are so thick and luxuriant. Shaun was the owner who led the walk, he was so interesting and we just took our time. There were six of us, each with our own alapaca. Mine was Bono and Sue’s was Stan. They are beautiful animals.

We then went to a lovely pub, that Shaun recommended, for lunch….The Kicking Donkey.

Tonight Sue, Pat and I went to bingo….ha ha ha. Pat has never been before and Sue and I haven’t been for years. It is all electronic now. We signed up, quizzed the very helpful staff on how to play and then we were off. We decided to split any winnings between us and so we each came away with £92. What a fab ending to a great day.

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