Return of the Iron Man

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

G-Man came to stay with us last night. He had a triathlon (NOT an iron man) in Paekakariki this morning.

Apparently he did really well. Unlike the last time we didn't go and support him. It was raining and also... I mean... the only difference between supporting a triathlete and standing in a field aimless for 3 hours is that... ummm... Oh wait, that's right there IS no difference.

G-Man understood. And we invited Jefe and Manda and Loulou round in the evening for drinks and dinner and larfs with himself. 

It was a good evening of fun and stories, and G-Man was reluctant to drag himself off to bed at 9.30. But he'd knackered himself.

We were very understanding. We ate his portion of cheesecake and we forgave him.


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