
By duncan

The Race Into Space

I found this in the street in a bag full of books.  Only 5p, or 1 shilling in old money. This is from 1971 (when decimalisation started), hence the 1 shilling being in brackets.

You had to collect stickers by buying boxes of Brooke Bond teabags.  This one has all 50 stickers; they must have drank a lot of tea to get them all!

It mentions the forthcoming launch of Skylab (1973), Apollo missions 16 - 19 (the last one turned out to be Apollo 17), the Viking mission to Mars (1976), the Space Shuttle (1981), the Voyager missions (1976).
It also predicts a lunar base, and a manned mission to Mars, with a return trip happening between 1981 - 1983.  The front and back cover are an artist's impression of those rockets reaching Mars.


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