
They have been back a while, I know I've blipped them lots
but I don't care I love em.
Got Grandson here with his new to him car, he's giving it
a valet , he can't do it at his place cos he lives in a flat so
he's staying for tea, and With child Granddaughter and
her feller are coming for tea as well, she is keeping well
she had to get a special scan cos they thought the baba
was on the large side, turns out she is about a week or so
bigger, but the dates could be wrong.
I am doing roast chicken, asparagus and tomato tart and
carrots roasted in olive oil and lemon, and other stuff so
I had better get on. It's a very nice day after the dreary one
yesterday. Go large if you like to see the gawjus colors
Hope your all having a great day.

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