Viator Fabula

By Heliflyer


There are moments (and they are few) when everything comes together so well that you know that you'll be very lucky to achieve again the result you did in the way you did with the team you had, just because everything seems so perfect that you don't know how it could possibly be better.

This was a really tight landing right in the middle of Barnsley. When we arrived on scene, I thought there was no way we would find anywhere near the casualty, but one of the paramedics spotted this pub car park literally 100m or so from the location of the incident.

There were quite a lot of hazards round about so we went in really slowly and really carefully, and through absolutely top team work and great communication we achieved a very satsifying safe landing.

And the outcome for the casualty was good too.

It is moments like this that are almost transcendent - to be doing something very technical that you love to a really high standard with a really tight-knit team working towards a common goal, with everyone contributing to a succesful outcome.

I think I am extremely fortunate to have experienced moments like this. I guess few people get to feel that huge level of emotional and technical satisfaction combined with great camaraderie.

I am a very lucky man indeed.

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