Selfie and photographer

The band plus Walter and Little legs sat around the table nursing pints and enveloped in a cloud of cigarette smoke and gloom. The euphoria of removing Matt from their company quickly evaporated as the realisation that the lack of van and driver 2 days before they were to set off on their Europe tour was a serious set back.
“Couldn’t we hire a van”
“Too expensive”
“What about phoning around, must be someone available we know”
“Bit short notice but we should try”
Little legs looked on. He had had a few beers but he felt clear headed enough to offer
“I know where I can borrow a van”
One of his occasional on/off girlfriends had a partner who worked on the rigs, 3 months on 3 months off. When he was gone she got bored and lonely providing Little legs with the typical kind of arrangement that suited him ie desperate, temporary and no ties. He remembered that Dave, said partner, had just left for another stint in Aberdeen. Dave used the van to carry around a mobile disco he operated on his downtime from the rigs. Not that he needed the money but hailing from Southport he was on a mission to keep the flame of Northern soul flickering in the pubs of South east England. Little legs had borrowed it before and didn’t think there would be an issue as Maureen hated it sitting in the driveway anyway. She didn’t need to know the exact details of where it was going and he would think up some excuse anyway. White lies, his specialty.
“you’re hired! “ exclaimed Jer
Sudden incomings and outgoings was a common feature of the travelling chaos that was “the Y on tour” and this sudden reversal and upturn in fortunes was not unusual.
Somewhere along the line between 1 and 5 in the morning Walter found himself also shanghaied, similarly hired without fuss as roadie after an impressive demonstration where he managed to carry two amps usually requiring four people one in each arm with a guitar in his teeth.
Funny what a difference a day can make as someone or other once sang.

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