Lazy Sunday and the invisible phone

I was lying down in the grass to take this one.      I think it is only a matter of time before I get shouted at for taking these sneaky shots.....

We had a top night at Scott's last night.  Delicious dinner, followed by the Eurovision Song Contest, which I have to admit was not so cringingly awful as in previous years.   Not sure about the bloke  who looked like a vampire with the very high pitched voice, but  at least Bonnie made it higher up the scoreboard than Engelbert managed last year.

On the way home this morning we did call in to a big store to look at TV's and cameras.  I was not very confident in the information that the sales assistant offered me about cameras.... but no hurry or worry, I'm still doing my homework.

Pete is still suffering with a stinking cold so when we got home I left him popping pills whilst I legged it up the hill, to spy on people up at the aerodrome.

Summer is here today.  Really very warm and sunny.

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