Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


Whenever we get a new board game there is inevitably that long drawn out process of preparing all the pieces, in the case of this one, popping out dozens and dozens and dozens of little cardboard discs and squares. After you've done that, you're left with these rather beautiful skeletons, which I'm always loath to throw away. But what else can you do with them?

By the time you've done all that you're too tired to play the game of course.

My latest weekly podcast can be found on Spotify. In this episode (13)  you will find: What we can do about the Ukraine one year on; The Plant Killers; Further on up the road Part 2; Radicalised old men; and where to get your t shirt in the new eye catching words merchandise store.

Before anyone accuses me of advertising, if is all for charity,

In other news: our heating is fixed, Thank the lord.

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