
By Eldora19


I got a few texts about the aurora last night so ventured out onto the field behind our house. I was delighted to see it with my own eyes and managed to get a fairly rubbish photo on my iPhone. I loved seeing everyone else’s photos when I checked Instagram.

Today we were back to the doctors with S where she was referred to an ENT specialist. Poor girl isn’t feeling great but hopefully we can get some answers for her soon.

Mum and I went to An Tobar‘s ‘warm space’, a really beautifully and thoughtfully decorated space for anyone to relax away from home. We got hot drinks and chatted whilst S played with the toys available.

We went back to mum’s for lunch but S took a turn for the worse, she fell asleep on me which hasn’t happened for a long time. Mum took us home and S perked up a bit in the evening when she saw her dad. The combination of a nasty cough and her persistent ear infection is making the poor girl miserable. Hopefully the antibiotics start working soon.

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