It's been an eventful weekend thus far. Strolled our bi-annual Arts Goggle event with the crew. With the community. I partook last year as an "artist" but opted out this year, mostly because I couldn't get my shit together, on all fronts. But after walking around this year's massive offerings, I realized that, yes, indeed, everyone's a photographer. It's hard to find your niche. I haven't. Hard to find your place. With most things. With every thing. I miss places I've been, places I've never been. Faces and stories. I miss the stories.
This adorable little girl was selling hip-hop CDs in the crowd during the Dru B Shinin' show outside the coffee shop. One of the guys started freestyling at the end, just making things up off the top of his head with what he had to work with before him. That is a talent that will always amaze me. The spontaneity of art. Things born from the air, from the spaces we share.
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