
By dunkyc

A hole full o'toads

My stance on teachers striking remains unchanged and I fully support their right to do so. Nobody would voluntarily want to give up a day’s pay, especially not in the current economic climate.

Unfortunately, the headteacher at my children’s school has learned nothing from the previous strike earlier this year and has once again left it until 8am on the morning of the strike to notify us of whether the school will be open or not. I’ve lost any last remaining vestiges of confidence in her ability to communicate with her teaching staff. As it transpired m’boy was off, The Youngest was not, which caused its own problems. 

M’boy had a great day with my sister and his cousin (also off school due to strikes) before they were handed off to my parents in the afternoon. The Youngest’s sense of injustice about having to go into school was made a little easier by her grandad collecting her from school at the regular time, which meant that she also got some fun and games with her cousin.

I’m just grateful for the support I had around me today as I know that there will have been many more out there without that same luxury.

On the plus side, I made toad in the hole, which was belting - I didn’t mean for the toads to be quite so regimented though!

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