Actually it's not really down town, more heading out of town - but I thought I'd move away from the picturesque/attractive/simply beautiful scenery/grandchildren range of photos I usually take and instead show the utilitarian side of my life, of this town, of life in general. After all, I find other people's urban or shopping photos interesting - and besides, it was that or a photo of a sparkling white shower after I'd cleaned it!
This was supposed to be a speedy entry, and here I am rambling on already. This morning began grey and misty but cleared from the west - and look at the big bank of the cloud rolling back in the photo (West is behind me). I hung out a washing while Himself headed over the water for a hospital follow-up appointment. Then I decided on a swift walk to the Co-op to see if they had any dried chillies - we've run out of whole ones, and crushed chillis are harder to keep track of in a curry. They didn't have any, but I got some things that looked interesting and came home again.
The Co-op is in the building that used to be the United States Navy Commissary or PX back when the Holy Loch was the base for Site One USN submarines. We were never allowed in it - like the base itself, it felt as if there was a force field round this mysterious place; the actual Co-op was a couple of streets away in a much smaller shop.
After that I got so involved in cleaning the shower that I lost all track of time and missed most of a Zoom meeting that I was very keen to be at - it would have been thoughtful if someone at the meeting had thought to text me, but maybe they thought I'd changed my mind, or died or something. Anyway, I popped up and annoyed everyone just as they were about to finish. Ah well.
I'm just in from choir and need to dash - we have much to do tomorrow and will have to be out almost as early as when we used to go to work. I don't really do mornings...
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