Hashtag Nerd Alert

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

Jefe, Manda and I signed up for a game of "social deduction" called Blood On The Clock Tower scheduled for tonight.

I wasn't sure what to expect. 

What the three of us found was a room full of nerds. I mean. Including us. Obviously. But nerds.

Also AMERICANS. There were 12 of us in one group of "townsfolk" and of those SIX were American. Including Jefe and Manda. There was a lot of chat about devious Brits and the revolutionary wars. 

So. The game. Here's what happens. All the townsfolk are given a token and that is who you are for the game. To be honest, there's not much role-playing involved but I suppose in theory you could do silly voices if you wanted. 

Manda was The Washerwoman - and this gave her the special power to know who - out of two people in the game - was The Empath. I was The Saint and my special power was that if I was executed during the game, the game would be over and the Forces of Good would lose.

And Jefe was The Chef.... but wait... what??

I'm being told that Brent from New York City is The Chef...? Eh??

There was a LOT of discussion about this. 

"I'M the Chef," Jefe insisted. "I don't KNOW who this guy is - but he is NOT the Chef."

"I'M the Chef!!" said Brent. "I'm too STUPID to be able to lie about the game!"

"That DOES seem plausible," agreed his wife. 

"Hey!" said Brent.

So every round one person is MURDERED TO DEATH by a Demon who is one of the three people on Team Evil. They are also helped by two minions who will lie on their behalf. And every day the townsfolk try to figure out who the Demon is and hang that person. 

Sadly, Manda was the very first victim. And after this everyone around the table went off to separate corners to share intel and try to figure out who the Demon was. 

In the end Team Goodness won but honestly I can't claim to have played any part in it. I got murdered by the Demon about six rounds in. Jefe could also not claim to have played any significant part. 

"I was THE CHEF!" he insisted.

"No, you were The Drunk," our games master told him. "I secretly made you The Drunk which means you were talking rubbish all night because The Drunk doesn't KNOW he's The Drunk."

"Oh," said Jefe.

This made me laugh. 

But it was FUN! We want to do this again, maybe getting our own copy of the game and including the gang. 

I told Caro about it when I got home. 

"Nerd alert," was all she said.

It is somewhat hard to deny.


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