Snow covered plum

A beautiful snowy morning and I had time because of a two hour delay to take some pictures. I just learned about Joe Tree day and am happy to share this image. I love this tree for it's shape even though it's mostly dead. My young chickens enjoyed climbing in it too!
I have made some wonderful friends on Blip and I like to think should I ever meet these people in a face to face we would enjoy ourselves and want to meet again! Blip is a wonderfully supportive place and it's very humbling to get to see into people's daily lives.

We ended up with about 8 inches of light fluffy snow. The extra is our little owl sculpture looking like it's just been woken up buried in snow. I've blipped this owl before.

It was a much needed beautiful, sunny morning. I was very glad for the delay though since the roads were still sloppy in areas even after the sun had been shining for a while on them.

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