New communication chart

A busy morning getting everyone ready. I was starting work earlier today so had upstairs and down all hoovered before 7am. It encouraged Harp and Mr R to get out of bed. Hehe. 
The big boys went to school in theor onesies for world book day. I'm so glad their school chooses pyjamas on days like this so I don't need to make a costume.  

I had a busy morning at work. Some staff went out with students. One of the students with us had a couple of seizures.  Thankfully they picked up and were back to their usual self after a while. 

Carson and Harp were pleased to see me when I picked them up from nursery.  I'm always a sweaty mess from my bike ride. I did quite well on biking there and beat my record. I take it easier on the journey home as I am pulling 7+stone of weight. No wonder I'm falling asleep on the sofa at night. 

When we got home the OT had sent some more communication charts and visual timetables for me. Carson calls these characters eggs. We have happy egg, scared egg , sad egg etc. He doesn't use the word " yes" so I asked if they would send a picture.  The staff at his nursery and at my work use these charts. So he is use to seeing them and using them. 

Harp always asked for a bowl of cereal when she gets back in the afternoons so that keeps her happy and full until dinner. 
The boys had a good day . 

The other photo of the jedi was him naming his body parts . 

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