Still traumatised.............................

After my antics yesterday, Ann is still very, very, traumatised. She hardly slept at all last night because she just kept thinking; 'what if'?...............

There's no such thing as a 'bad dog', just a 'bad owner', and Ann obviously hasn't trained me well enough. If I were properly trained, Ann would take preference over anything else I wanted to do. She should be 'top dog' and I should respect that at all times.

The laziest, and least expensive option, would be to keep me on my lead for the rest of my life and NEVER let me have any run about time. As far as Ann is concerned; that isn't an option. And because she knows that I need off my lead run about time, she deliberately let me off my lead on both of my walks today. If she over-thinks this, she's going to be too scared to ever allow me to do anything and I'd never get to have any fun!!

The easiest, and most expensive option, would be to fit a tracker onto me, so that if I ever run off again, I can be located. Mmmmm............... the cheapest ones seem to be about £12-£15pm so realistically we'd be looking at £2-3000 over my life time, which in the big scheme of things probably isn't a lot, but it's not actually solving the problem is it?

….............And the third option is.................... train me to realise that Ann (or any other human that is looking after me) is 'top dog', though she's not sure how to do that. She thought I loved her and would never let her out of my sight, but obv I don't care where she is if I'm chasing??!!

One of the problems, yesterday was.................... there were just soooo many deer. We were walking on a path where humans were not supposed to be Ann has learnt her lesson on that one so the deer were obviously out and about all over the place and once I'd chased one, there was another waiting to be chased.

I've seen deer before on the Braid Hills, (or when we were walking on golf courses during lock down), but once I'd chased them away, I came straight back to Ann. And I always come straight back to Ann once I've chased squirrels up trees or rabbits down burrows. She thought she'd trained me properly, but obv not?!! Problems, problems.

Anyway, fortunately Ann wasn't working today and because she was so tired, after my morning walk, she went back to bed. I was allowed to lie on the bottom of the bed to keep her company.

Oh and the other thing, that yesterdays antics flagged up to Ann was............. a lot of the time that we go on big long walks, nobody actually knows where we are. When Ann was standing by the riverbank yelling for me for more than an hour yesterday she's got a really sore throat today if anyone is interested, she kept thinking of 'Nicola Bulley' and how easy it would be to trip over a tree root, fall into the river, hit her head on something and get swept out to sea. OK, that's maybe Ann being a bit of a 'Drama Queen' because the river wasn't actually very deep, but you get the jist of it?!! Our friend, Caroline, can track where we are (we've just checked where she is and she's on a Caribbean Cruise at the moment), but nobody else can. It's probably time to rectify that.

Writing all this down seems to have put things into perspective for Ann. I'm not a naughty dog usually. Ann thinks the temptation was just too much for me and as she said above; we should never have walked along a path where humans weren't allowed.

This evening Ann was supposed to be going out but she cancelled because she's too tired. An evening watching soaps and an early night beckons.

And then tomorrow we will try to get back to normal. My human needs to get over this and focus on our future. Soooooo.................. tomorrow morning she'll be going to work, in the afternoon I'll be having a nice long walk and in the evening she'll be going out.

PS – I found a manky old ball on my afternoon walk so things are getting back to normal already. Toodles. xx

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