Charlie Bucket

This is probably the last time we have to agonise over World Book Day costumes - I’ve been failing at this challenge since 2008!!!

ZQ used to go in his football kit because he considered his football annuals to be books - who am I to argue!? He once went as Rudyard Kipling - perhaps that was when I was on maternity leave with the Noo when I had lots more time on my hands.

Noo isn’t so easy to please! He takes things much more seriously, and gets considerably upset when things aren’t exactly right. Last night we had settled on Dracula (inspired by our recent trip to Whitby), but he changed his mind to Oliver Twist by this morning. In the time between me leaving for work and him going to school he had morphed into Charlie Bucket, complete with golden ticket.

His teacher, as it happens, went as Willy Wonka…

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