What a glorious day
Mum & I took a trip to Jack's Patch garden centre for a coffee this morning, couldn't resist a slice of raspberry frangipane tart with clotted cream. Delish! We had a mooch around after, I bought packs of Anemone de Caen, to grow up on the allotment for cutting. Mum has always enjoyed seeing the birds in her garden, feeding them every morning. Since her recent memory loss the birds have become a bit of an obsession so I suggested we bought a new bird box to replace the current one which is falling to bits. The blue tits have been visiting the existing box, so with any luck they might fancy setting up home in the new model. Next stop Tesco's. A tad chaotic as they are changing the store floor plan, but we found all that we needed. I dropped Mum back home, put her shopping away then headed home.
Glorious sunshine, & blue skies, laundry drying, the allotment was calling me.
Armed with the saw, I cut the pieces of timber, then placed them along the edge of the path to act as a soil retainer. Then I dug the only remaining piece of ground that has'nt been dug since I took on the plot 3 years ago. 10'x 4', a spit deep. Now I need a few more bags of manure. Another trip to the yard tomorrow hopefully. It began to get a tad chilly around 5ish so I headed home, after buying a dozen eggs, assorted shapes & colours, from Simon, leaving the money in his honesty box.
The Chase, accompanied by a cider, before making dinner.
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