The Sportsman's Inn

It transpires that Dan and Abi didn't get home from the farewell gig at the King's Arms until 2am. Happily I was soundly asleep by that time. But Abi still made it up in time to go paddleboarding on Windermere with one of her friends, this morning, and Dan didn't do too badly either.

He and I went for a late breakfast / early lunch at The Goat Gap Café, after which I was in no great hurry to go home, so I reminded him of a pub, out in the middle of nowhere, that we used to drive past when Dan was learning to drive. "Fancy popping up there?'"

Now, it might be nature or nurture*, but all of my kids are up for an unnecessary adventure, and, indeed, in my opinion, such is the stuff that Blips are made of. Either way, Dan gave me an unhesitating "Sure!"

And so we drove up through Ribblehead, and subsequently took the turning west, towards Dent. The pub, The Sportsman's Inn, is in Cowgill, and I was half expecting it to be closed. But no, it was open, the fire was lit, and there were even some other guests, so Dan and I settled in for a pint.

And our day finished in Spice Essence, premier - and only, but premier nonetheless - curry house of Kirkby Lonsdale. Abi is not a huge fan of curries, but agreed to come along, as you can see in my Extra.

*or, in this case, just fancying a pint

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