My Restless Lens

By terri365

Geriatric Boy

This little fella gave me a heart attack this morning!  I walked along to the end of my street then went up the hill to the next street and as we were walking up he had a pee, as normal, but then collapsed on the ground and just lay there.  I couldn't entice him up.  He was fully aware but just wouldn't move and his breathing was laboured for minute.  I knelt down and comforted him while I thought what to do.  A friend just lives near the path so I thought if she could come and sit with him while I go and get the car... But she didn't answer.  Another chap I know who has his own dogs lives a couple of houses the other way so I was thinking I could leave Aonghus and go and knock on his door as he would have helped.  But just as I was considering that... he got up.   And seemed fine.  So walk abandoned and a slow walk back to the house, then at 8.30 I phoned the vet.  Managed to get a 9.15 appointment so I high tailed it to Callander.

Heart and heart rate all sounded fine which is what worried me as he has a murmur and high blood pressure.

The vet seemed to think muscle spasm...  and focussed on his back  He was talking about giving Aonghus a painkiller injection...  I am going to hold out on that because he was being his usual contortionist self in the garden this afternoon - chasing his tail and doing sumersaults and generally behaving like a spring chicken (Aonghus, not the vet - although the vet is called Angus too...) so I don't think there's much pain there! 

I asked if his kidneys could be an issue (he's in stage 2 renal failure so they will get worse at some point) so he did his renal bloods as Aonghus is due to go in for his 3 month check on the 14th March anyway.  

Keep an eye on him over the weekend and take a urine sample in on Monday to complete his ad hoc renal check!

Fingers crossed it was "just one of those things"...

Not my best photo but I'm not very good with moving objects!

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