Protest, but will the Government listen?!

More protests today and rightly so. This one was quite big. The sorrow was in the air. I didn’t understand a word they said but I wanted to cry. Keep doing this! So many young people out there today. The death toll is 57 with many unaccounted for still.
A local told me that the company was fined a while ago, but unless something major happens, nothing changes. Not just in rail but everywhere. People thought the systems were up to date. I’m not sure if the train company is to blame for the problems of infrastructure which is ancient. This local spoke openly of corruption too. It’s entrenched, it seems.
In other news, another reminder from my boss today to watch out that one of my 1:1 business students may flirt with me and if he does, drop the name of the previous teacher who had to get our manager to intervene!
And my most angry teen shouted at me tonight.
People are hurting! Their behaviour was more challenging than normal tonight.
And you replicate this to the scale of what happened in Turkey and Syria with the recent earthquakes and you wonder how people endure such stuff.

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