Flower Friday. : : Tulips
These are the tulips featured in yesterday's abstract. I love the insides!
Apologies for the long and boring tale of frustration regarding the driving license. I'm sure almost all of us have experienced similar frustrations and don't need to be reminded with my rendition of mine, but I felt it was a story worth capturing for posterity just because of its absurdity! Surely at some point 'service' businesses and even government agencies will realize that serving the customer is the raison d'etre for their existence and not relegate us to robots (named Miles? at the DMV?really?) and listening to endless menus leading nowhere. If we thought a robot could answer our question we wouldn't be calling in the first place....
There is, I think, a good outcome to this particular saga. After calling the 'error processing unit' and waiting on hold for an hour this morning with music that made me want to kill myself, and constant reminders that I could could press 1 and "someone will call you back' (in April if you're lucky), I held on like grim death and eventually got a person who took one minute to tell me that my license had been renewed 'last weekend' and I would receive it in the mail 'in the next month.' Couldn't the person I finally reached yesterday have told me that? If it takes a month to get to me in the mail, my current license will have expired, but I decided not to push my luck, if you could call it that, by asking for a temporary permit.
There was also somewhat better news from our friends in Oregon. They are both semi or fully incapacitated by a knee replacement and a fall. She is in hospital with a cracked pelvis and a fractured wrist, but a suspected heart attack was ruled out. He is doing well at home and their daughter is there to take things in hand.
Decisions have been made, I think, on the eczema front. I swear we all need a crisis processing unit....preferably one that is a bit more efficient than a government agency.
We are looking forward to a visit from son Matt and granddaughter Claire, arriving soon.
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