A time for everything

By turnx3

Changing skies

The day started with breakfast at Duke’s, where we ate last night, then we drove into the town of LaHaina and had a wander round. One of the notable sights is the huge banyan tree in the centre of town, in front of the Courthouse. (see extra), one of the largest in the US. Imported from India, and planted in 1873, this sprawling tree spreads over an entire city block, and stands more than 60 feet high. Many events and art exhibits are held beneath the dangling vines and twelve major trunks of this town landmark.
On our way back to our accommodation, we stopped at the supermarket, to stock up on some items so we can prepare most of our breakfasts and dinners. The afternoon, which unfortunately turned out to be more cloudy and cooler, we spent at the beach. It was fascinating watching the changing light conditions, which I’ve tried to show in my collage. The island you can see in the top right photo, and to a lesser extent in the bottom left, since it is somewhat obscured by cloud, is the island of Molokai.
Step count: 9,919

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