Rags of light

By CarolG1


Had a blipmeet/blip run today with Jennie who came down to Brighton to do the Heroes Run. We ran as two new Superhero characters called Capture and Flash.

This is Jennie looking very swishy in her cape. I posted this picture because the cape nearly didn't happen. She sourced the very appropriate t shirts with the logos and it was my job to supply the capes. Except due to a missed communication on my part, I didn't realise I was supposed to find them. So a last minute rummage through the dressing up box produced this one! Doesn't everyone have the odd cape just lying about the house?

The run is organised for a charity called Pass It On. You can donate to our page here.

Jennie also left me with the very big responsibility of sending Miss Elephoto on her travels round Blipworld. Who knows where she'll end up next?

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