Acts of deliberate notice

By Yaviere

Lonely as a cloud

Everywhere I look at the moment there are leaves leafing, buds budding, flowers blooming and life emerging. The forsythia is flowering again and now I have seen dandelion leaves and hairy bittercress (a very tasty discovery from last year).

I took myself for a long walk this afternoon, promising myself that I could forget, for the space of my walk, everything I needed to hurry home to do. A church in the neighbouring village has a bonny bright display of daffodils along one wall and I couldn't resist going into the churchyard to admire them.

Still no ducklings, despite what D said. I think the cold or the pikes may have done for them. But the mallards are all swimming around in pairs and I suspect it won't be much longer before we have whole flocks of bobbly little ducks augmenting our duck population.

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