Five-Mile Bridge
Work last night was the familiar story of busy start, may-as-well-close middle and busy cleaning up time so we finish late! We take cash payment only and there is a notice on the wall to that effect. I will also advise unfamiliar customers of the fact. Most people deal with this by either producing/fetching cash or saying "Thanks but no thanks."
Last night a man came in and asked for what he had "last time". I could vaguely remember what that was and he filled in the details. As he had obviously been in before I assumed he knew about the payment method, but no - he produced a card! When I explained the situation he proceeded with a foul mouthed rant about it. To be fair, the F word seemed to be the only swear-word he knew, and it was literally every other word. ( I resisted the urge to teach him a few alternatives!) He fetched cash and then ranted more because the cash machine charged him! We were very glad to see the back of him!
After a late finish, I had a couple of ciders when I arrived home, and slept very well.
Today it was decided that we would go for a walk along the river from Five Mile Bridge at Fiskerton. Normally I do not hit 10,000 steps on a Sunday but I have today, and then some! The conditions were not really conducive for decent photos, but I quite liked this shot of one of the sculptures along the path. The Cathedral is framed by them, away in the distance!
I've added an extra of a lovely cat doing some hunting. Sometimes I feel sorry for Minstrel not being able to do this. Practicing hunting with toys is not the same. He's never known any different though, and he seems like he is happy. He's a very small cat so may not fare well outdoors even if we did live somewhere it was safe for him. He did catch a small rat in the house once!
Going to watch the second half of the Liverpool Man Utd game now. We are going to have to win from behind again, but it won't be the first time!!
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