More books

Still sorting books, although this really is the end for the moment. I have just finished going through the old books which were left to me by my great aunt. Many have been discarded in the past, but I still have a shelf full. Some of them I have kept because of the dedications. Here is a sample - some very old theological books that belonged to my g g g grandfather when he was an Independent Minister in Wigan and later in Bingley. Then there are a few that belonged to my great aunt, given to her by her father. It was notes like this that helped me when I was researching the family. 

And it's the reason that for every birthday I have given the three girls a hardback book and put a tiny bookplate inside with the date etc. This used to be picture books but is now classic folio editions. It may seem a bit silly, but they always look to find the note when they get a birthday book, so maybe they appreciate it and may appreciate it even more later.  

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