Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Eurovision dinner

We were with our friends Alan and Trevor tonight for dinner and the song contest, and had a great time. Nice food, good company, a drink or two.

We paused transmission of the contest so we could concentrate on our food, and then rejoined the coverage from Malmö and watched the whole thing, scoring every song (with much disagreement about what was good, bad, or just okay). And then it was time for the voting which became more and more depressing as country after country gave their votes and Ireland's remained pathetically low and we remained stubbornly at the bottom of the leader board. We were happy enough with the winner, but desperately disappointed at our poor showing.

The whole night was made all the more enjoyable and relaxed because we were staying overnight, so didn't have to worry about drinking and driving. What with one thing and another we think it was 2 or 3 am by the time the sack was hit.

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