Tweet - Waxwings in Ipswich
Not a great shot and heavily cropped but it will have to suffice as a record shot.
Waxwings breed in northern Russia and Scandinavia. In winter they gorge on berries, but if they are in short supply, these starling sized birds came to the U.K. They turn up in gardens, car parks and cities and can attract a lot of attention. The local people in Ipswich seemed proud to have the birds in their neighbourhood.
The birds are fond of rowan and cotoneaster berries but will eat mistletoe and fruits from ornamental trees. After they have eaten, they sit around at the top of a tall tree and digest their food . I think that is what they are doing here.
The birds get their name from the red blobs, which look like sealing wax, on some of their wing feathers.
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